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Female Genitalia Things You Should Know: Part 2

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The female body is a beauty to behold, all parts, individually and as a whole makeup something truly wondrous inside and out. The female genitalia is another wondrous thing, with deep mysteries that young girls and women are still unraveling.

And so, here we are once again to help you do exactly that! Now, we’ve covered things you need to know about the female genitalia once before but this is Part 2, so read on and don’t miss out!

There Is No Such Thing As Normal Discharge

Vaginal discharge differs from person to person, which means that what is normal for you may not be soo normal for your mother, sister or friend. You discharge also changes depending on where you are in your monthly cycle. In fact, it changes drastically when you have an infection, which is why one of the first questions that the doctors ask you when you go to them is about your vaginal discharge, consistency, thickness, color, and smell.

Vaginas Are Supposed To Have A Smell

Yes, we know what you’re thinking, ‘This is common knowledge why are they telling me about this?’. Unfortunately, that’s really not the case. A lot of women go about their lives thinking that your vagina is supposed to smell nice and fragrant and any kind of odor is bad. Which is why there is also such a huge spike in feminine hygiene and intimate washes in the market.

Please don’t fall for that. Your vagina has bacteria, the good kind that balances out your ph levels. And if there’s bacteria then there’s going to be a certain smell. It’s normal and healthy to have that. This bacteria works 24/7 to keep your vaginal health in good shape, keep the pH balanced and healthy.

But if the smell is particularly pungent or weird, or smells like fish, go to the doctor and get it checked, being aware and proactive is a much better route to finding the cure than waiting and worrying.

Your Vagina Is Self Cleaning

Guys, there’s no need to run around washing and douching your intimate area with intimate and hygiene cleansers available in the market these days. It can actually throw off the natural pH of your vagina. The vagina is a self-sustaining organ and cleans itself out regularly, that’s another reason why it discharges fluid, it is normal for you to have certain discharge clear or slightly whitish at the end of the day in our undies. Unless a doctor has particularly prescribed an intimate wash for you, don’t go overboard with the cleansing especially inside the vagina, plain old water will work just fine. But that doesn’t mean that you don’t clean the outer areas, labia majora, and minora.

Your Vagina Lets You Know When You’re At Your Most Fertile

When you’re ovulating your cervical mucus, you can tell from your discharge around that time, is very clear and stretchy. And there will be more of this kind of discharge than usual. Your body is preparing itself to create a comfortable and nurturing space for the egg.

Your Vagina Will Most Definitely Let You Know If Something Is Wrong

How does it do that? The number one thing to look for? Itching and irritation in and around your vagina that doesn’t go away with the usual cleansing ritual. Bloody discharge (a mix) that is not even remotely related to your period. And smell that’s pretty much just foul, or is quite noticeably different from your usual odor. Other things to look for are, change in color and consistency of your discharge. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms then please seek medical attention at the earliest.

Unfortunately, Yeast Infections Are Ridiculously Easy To Catch

From sitting in a wet bathing suit for an extended period of time to not changing sweaty work out clothes after coming back home. Eating a LOT of sugar or alcohol can also mess up your natural pH making it easy for the yeast to make a home down there.

A consistent antibiotic course can also lead to yeast infections as antibiotics end up killing all bacteria, the bad and the good, making your vagina vulnerable and imbalanced, making it a hospitable environment for fungus. But, here’s the good news, eating yogurt (the kind you make it home) can help restore the balance.

The Vagina Isn’t Exactly At 90 Degrees- It’s Tilted

Vaginae are roughly tilted at a 130-degree angle, which is why when we’re inserting tampons or vaginal capsules, we end up squatting and aiming it towards our backs as opposed to aiming it upwards.

About Author

Dr. Kanika Jain

Dr. Kanika Jain is a highly qualified and experienced medical professional specializing in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. She holds an MBBS degree from Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, and further pursued DGO from Stanley Medical College. She completed her DNB in Obstetrics and Gynaecology at Chanandevi Hospital, Delhi.

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