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Period Basics

Covid-19 Vaccination And Periods: Myth And Facts

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We’ll perhaps never understand that a normal physiological process be shuffled across so many misconceptions, just as if it is folklore. Menstrual cycles are harrowing enough for a lot of us, considering it’s almost equal to letting our guards down. From being prey to spiritual biases for ages to being […]

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Why Is Menstruation A Taboo Topic?

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Menstruation is still a taboo in a lot of places, not just India. A product of a misogynistic and patriarchal structure, menstruation is a direct result of the childbearing abilities gifted to women. Why then do you think, something so empowering has been turned into a taboo? Let’s unpack this […]

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How Men Help Their Significant Other During Their Periods?

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Patriarchal conditioning and gender stereotypes as well as preconceived notions about gender roles over the last 100 odd decades have led to predefined spaces that men and women occupy. But while women are so used to taking care of emotional needs and men are the protectors and providers. How do […]

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5 First Period Stories

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We asked a few women about their first period stories to figure out if everyone goes through the same thing. Turns out, there are some instances that have happened with quite a few, while there are others that are a little on the once in a blue moon spectrum. From […]

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First period while travelling: What Precautions to Take

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When we get our first period, the immediate thought that crosses the mind is how will things be managed? The first period is often associated with cramps in the lower abdomen, breast tenderness, lower backache, dizziness, etc. It takes time for the period to get stabilised — the first one […]

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