Getting your first period can be a perplexing event. It can leave many of us overwhelmed. An even more overwhelming scenario would be to get your first period in school. You’re in class. Suddenly, you notice a bloodstain on your skirt. What do you do? Being prepared for your period […]
Read MoreWe all know that menstruation flow varies from person to person. Every girl has a unique flow. Periods can last about 3 to 5 days, sometimes up to 7 days. The average volume of menstrual fluid lost every cycle ranges from 5 to 80 mL. Heavy menstrual bleeding is when […]
Read MoreYou browse through everything on the label while choosing your skin creams and shampoos. But why not when it comes to your sanitary napkins? It’s really not your fault. Most of us ladies never received proper education about which pads are right for our skin type. But it’s important to […]
Read MoreHere’s a question. How many of you like to wake up to your bed stained? How many of you like to wake up in the middle of the night just to change the pad because the one you had felt wet and uncomfortable? Let us guess. None of you do. […]
Read MoreWhat’s your period like? Do you have easy period days that last less than 5 days? Or do you often wake up to sheets that resemble a crime scene? Either way, when it comes to periods, pads are the first choice that comes to our minds. However, there are so […]
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