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Does stress affect your menstrual cycle?

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We all know chronic stress is harmful to the body. Yes, stress takes a toll on the body, causing heart problems, high blood pressure, indigestion, insomnia, muscular aches, diabetes, obesity, weakened immunity, etc. It’s a long list, and stress can affect the menstrual cycle too. But, what is stress and […]

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Breast Pain and the Menstrual Cycle

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Our menstrual cycles and all the changes we go through during that cycle are characterized by the ebb and flow of our hormones. During certain stages, certain hormones peak while others crash leading to various physical, mental and emotional effects on our bodies and minds. Breast pain and the menstrual […]

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Uncomfortable Itching Down There during Before the Period? Here’s Why.

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Has it ever happened to you that you’re going along your merry way, minding your own business, attending to your many lady tasks and suddenly out of nowhere your vagina has a persistent itch? You have? Good. Because it’s fairly common, albeit annoying. Yes, we realize that it can be […]

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Mood Swings: Reasons and Causes

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You know that feeling when you just want to hit the person who’s asking you about something relatively innocuous? How those fruits lying in their bowl living their best life are SIMPLY the worst? How you can’t remember whether you turned the oven off even though you’ve NEVER used it? […]

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How to steer clear of yeast infection this summer?

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‘Too much of anything is bad’ that holds true for the yeast in your body too. Yes, we have yeast in our bodies, in the mouth, intestines, skin, and vagina. It isn’t harmful though unless of course, it overgrows. During the summer months, the occurrence of yeast infection is more […]

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