First Period Guide, Young Girls Education, Menstrual Cycle and Periods - Sofy
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ABOUTPeriod Hygiene & Facts

What is menstruation?

You will notice bleeding from the V zone for 3-5 days every month around the same time. It is called menstruation and is a sign of puberty in females.

Periods Problems 

  • Abdominal bloating
  • Headaches
  • Pain in back
  • Mood swings
  • Anger outbursts
  • Higher irritability
  • Insomnia
  • Dizziness
  • Cramps
  • Difficulty in concentrating
  • Breast tenderness
  • Tiredness

First Period Talk

Females menstruate and you will too! It is a sign of good health. The reproductive system prepares the body for conceiving every month. If you are not carrying a baby, the uterus will shed its lining that builds up monthly. Since it happens every month, it is called the menstrual cycle and periods mark the end of this cycle.

What to expect during my first period? 

  • Stomach cramps
  • Pain in the lower abdomen, backache
  • Bleeding from V-area
  • Mood Swings
  • Diarrhea or Nausea
  • Breast tenderness
  • Dizziness

Symptoms vary from female to female. In many cases, girls don’t realize they are having periods till they see the red discharge.

Why does Period happen?

A period happens because of changes in female hormones. The ovaries of every girl release the female hormones called estrogen and progesterone. These hormones cause the lining of the uterus to build up. The built-up lining is ready for a fertilized egg to attach to and start developing. If there is no fertilized egg, the lining breaks down and bleeds.

When do most of the girls get their periods?

Most girls get their first period when they’re around 12 however getting it any time between age 10 to 15 is okay. Every young girl’s body has its own schedule to start the first period.

Periods are regular?

For the first 2 to 3 years after a girl starts her period, it may not come regularly which is okay and not to worry about, but thereafter a girl’s periods should be coming around once every 4–5 weeks. In case of pregnancy no women gets periods. When women reach menopause (around age of 45‒55), their periods permanently stop.

What to use a Pad, Tampon or Menstrual Cup?

  • Most girls use pads when they first get their period. They have sticky strips that attach to the underwear and catch menstrual blood.
  • Many girls use tampons more conveniently than pads. Especially while playing outdoor games or swimming. A tampon is a cotton plug which a girl can put into her vagina. The tampon absorbs the blood. Don’t leave a tampon in for more than 8 hours because this can increase your risk of a veginal infection.
  • A very few girls prefer a menstrual cup made of silicone which is to be inserted into the vagina to hold the blood until it is emptied.

Symptoms of a Normal Period

You will have periods every month. So, it is good to stay prepared. Know in advance what you will experience every month, which are signs of a healthy period too.

Blood loss

Expect to lose about 60 milliliters of blood. If it is too low or too high, you may need a medical check-up. Your sanitary pad tells you a lot. Frequent changing (more than 5 a day) means heavy flow. No sign of blood on the pad tells the other side..

Time of onset

Menstruation occurs monthly. The length of the menstrual cycle varies from 25 to 30 days in females. See a doc if it is absent, too early or too late.


That PMS you hear about is real. Mood swings, emotional outbursts, and craving for sweets – are a few culprits you will need to deal with.

Premenstrual signature symptoms

Ringing into the 13th year is an important milestone in a female’s life. It is when you are about to experience physical changes caused by hormonal action.

Common changes that indicate that the periods are about to start are:

Fuller body

You will attain a feminine frame of the body with a pronounced chest area, curvaceous figure, etc.

Changes in V-area

The area down there may become hairy, so, be ready for that itchy feeling!

Unexplained moodiness

You become quite sensitive to comments, people and situations around you and may exhibit coyness in behaviour.

Dampness down there

Yes, it is time! And you should now talk freely to your mother or guardian. The sticky discharge from V-zone is the final indicator of your getting into the menstrual cycle.

Prep up for the Day!

Listen to your body and take charge of yourself! Make a few changes in your handbag, closet and thought process, and you are all set to welcome periods minus the fears.

Voice your thoughts

Whether you are a forum fan or mommy’s girl, find a trustworthy person to talk about changes and understand what is normal.

Learn about sanitary care products

Step up the preparations and keep your bag ready with pads or panty liners. Periods may surprise you anytime!

Find the correct product

Switch to testing and trying and zero in on the sanitary care product that you find the most comforting.

Period Rule Book

Periods are messy for obvious reasons. So, why not have a rule book to follow and have methods in all madness that surrounds the mess? Try to work around these rules that can save you from any instance of embarrassment. These may help you manage periods responsibly too.

Change the sanitary pad at regular intervals

It is very important to change the sanitary pads after every 4-6 hours, Especially if a person is experiencing a heavy flow. If the flow is little then never wear the pad for more then 8 hours.

Always keep your V areas clean

It is very important to keep the V-Area clean, Especially during the menstruation. The use of warm water and little diluted soap is recommended to clean the area. In case of any kind of irritation consult your doctor.

Wear clean and comfortable undergarments

With changing pads on regular basis, It is very important to wear clean and comfortable undergarments. Avoid using tight and skin sweaty fabric which leads to infection and discomfort. Cotton undergarments are always suggested to a female undergoing periods.

Understand and Talk about Periods

Talk. Talk. Talk. Knowledge matters! Silence the noise and get to the real talk with your friend or guardian. Soak up all you can and know about the onset, the right sanitary care products, hygiene practices, etc.

Discuss with your Friends

You are the pillar to your family and your health can never be the second priority. Do that Period Talk with friends to vent out worries and get the correct solution.

Eat a healthy diet

A good and healthy diet is at most needed in periods as the body goes through many physical and psychological changes. It will help to reduce bloating, cramos and nausea. Having sufficient water will help the body remaining nourished and healthy.

Select Best of Products

Shop for sanitary care products in advance if you don’t want stains to cut your day short. Step out with confidence even during ‘those days’ with the best SOFY Sanitary Care Solutions.

Change the sanitary pad at regular intervals

It is very important to change the sanitary pads after every 4-6 hours, Especially if a person is experiencing a heavy flow. If the flow is little then never wear the pad for more then 8 hours.

Always keep your V areas clean

It is very important to keep the V-Area clean, Especially during the menstruation. The use of warm water and little diluted soap is recommended to clean the area. In case of any kind of irritation consult your doctor.

Wear clean and comfortable undergarments

With changing pads on regular basis, It is very important to wear clean and comfortable undergarments. Avoid using tight and skin sweaty fabric which leads to infection and discomfort. Cotton undergarments are always suggested to a female undergoing periods.

Understand and Talk about Periods

Talk. Talk. Talk. Knowledge matters! Silence the noise and get to the real talk with your friend or guardian. Soak up all you can and know about the onset, the right sanitary care products, hygiene practices, etc.

Discuss with your Friends

You are the pillar to your family and your health can never be the second priority. Do that Period Talk with friends to vent out worries and get the correct solution.

Eat a healthy diet

A good and healthy diet is at most needed in periods as the body goes through many physical and psychological changes. It will help to reduce bloating, cramos and nausea. Having sufficient water will help the body remaining nourished and healthy.

Hey, Young woman out there!

Make your journey to womanhood a beautiful one with period talk, the best sanitary care products and practices you ought to know. Bust the myths, embrace facts and own the period time like a pro!


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